How Can I Help?

Donate money to the Laird Bush Music Education Fund

Unearth that old flute, trumpet, violin or other instrument stashed away at your house. Buy a new instrument. Donate the instruments to the MIC program by taking them to the lobby of the Barbara Ingram School for the Arts, 7 South Potomac Street, Hagerstown, Md.

Donate money to the Laird Bush Music Education Fund to help pay for instrument repair. Our goal is to eventually have enough money to offer student scholarships to pay for music lessons.

To make a donation to this fund, please visit the Community Foundation of Washington County’s website, and click DONATE NOW at the top of the homepage. From here, you can choose the amount you wish to donate, specify the name of the fund you’re donating to, and can even dedicate the gift in someone’s memory/honor.

For checks:
Payable to: “Washington County Community Foundation-Laird Bush Pass-thru” and sent to the Washington County Community Foundation at 37 South Potomac St. Hagerstown, MD 21740. You will be sent a proof-of-donation letter that can be used as a tax deduction.

Volunteer to help at events, raise money or promote MIC at your own gig. You can also organize an event to raise money and collect instruments or donate your talents to help refurbish them.


All donations are tax-deductible. If you donate an instrument, you will be sent a letter from the Maryland Symphony Orchestra that you can use for tax purposes. You will be responsible for assessing the value of the instrument. If you donate money, the tax letter will come from the Washington County Community Foundation.